
edit a wordpress site to download the images in different reselutions.

edit a wordpress site to download the images in different reselutions.

I need a script, code or plugin for a wordpress site.
I'm creating a wordpress wallpapers site. in this for users to download I need some resolutions to post with each and every images.
It means when a user click the resolution of an image the image shold download to there computer.
for eg:
in this the users has several resolution option to download the image.
I want this option to be shown below every images.
For downloading it can be downloaded directly or download by opening in a tab and click download button. But not right click and save image.

If you need further details about this please let me know.



I need the instruction for adding it. and it can be a wordpress plugin or a code.

Skills Required

wordpress php script programming editing html themes wallpapers download coding programmer progaming javascript css framworks


hello sir.
i will create a website for you where you can share wallpapers .\
add/edit/delete wallpapers
manage wallpaper categories
manage users
manage tags
comment wallpapers
rate wallpapers up or down. rating done by unique ip
list wallpapres by category, tag, most downloaded, most downloaded last week, by rating, by date
upload wallpapr

check my service first then we talk ;)

Bid On Listing Created 12 years ago in Programming

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