
Completion of the project Marketplace on Golang

Completion of the project Marketplace on Golang

TThe platform works on the currency Bitcoin and Bitcoin cache(should work)The problems are as follows..
1. Setting up the Commission of the site itself, create a bitcoin wallet and send some percentage of the user's transaction to it.
2. When you create an account, Bitcoin Cash does not generate a wallet address.
3. On the site there is a function of "Advertising", select the product, select the number of views, not generated price(always 0)
4. Also on the site there is a chat PM, when sending a message to the database(Postgres) falls immediately 2 records, and also displays both, one empty, the second with the message.


Golang blockchain bitcoin well known

Skills Required

Golang Blockchain Postgresql


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Bid On Listing Created 6 years ago in Programming

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