
I am looking for a Fake Video Player

I am looking for a Fake Video Player

I am looking for a developer who can make a Fake video player like the one here :

Step-1: Fake player must be like this.

2. After clicking on the video player it will loading for couple of sec. then show a message with Signup button.

3. If anyone click the signup button then it will redirect to another website. But if some one don't click, then? That is why you need to use redirection code where you will set up timer/countdown 15 seconds. And after 15 seconds it will automatically redirect to another site.


Item-1: When someone click the "Watch Now" or "Watch Online Free" button then it will open a new page with "Fake Player"

Item-2: When someone click the "Download Now" button then it will open a popup/modal with "Fake Download Button"

1. Fake Video Player: (see the screenshot 1) [Demo Source:]
2. Fake Downloader (see the screenshot 2) [ Demo Source: ]

Skills Required

Javascript Jquery Css Html


i can do that. order me i will create a fake video player exactly like your demo which will showing loading couple of seconds and redirect it to another page...

please send me your order i can do it

hello sir i am a web developer. and this work is easy to me. i can do your work. please contact me. thank you.

i will create by html,css,java script

Bid On Listing Created 6 years ago in Programming

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