
Requested Art App Needed

Requested Art App Needed

I need Paint Tool Sai onto the Amazon App Store along with Google App Store as a free app.
Paint Tool Sai needs to be in full & unzipped from a file I'll give you once you accept my job offer.
I can't link the art program in this description SeoClerks doesn't allow it sadly.


Knowledge for Implementing/Integrating free full apps onto reliable resources for Amazon fire HD 8 users & other digital art tablets!
Please do NOT delete the Paint Tool Sai unzipped Application on these requested App Stores, other Digital Artist needs it too besides me! This app needs to stay on the free market as long as it can for others to use it!
Please do NOT add the (Paid Version) onto these App Stores unless if YOU are the owner of Systemax's Paint Tool Sai program itself! Otherwise its illegal to make money from someone else's program YOU didn't make!
Please have this done within a day or less, so I can start drawing on my NEW art Tablet!
It must allow EVERY function from the art program itself such as: Layers, Layer Settings, Stabilizer Tool, Select & Delete Tool, EVERYTHING (etc) along with the custom bushes added to this file I've given.

Skills Required

Application 100functionala Storeimplement Googleappstore Amazonappstore Foreverfree Noappdeletion Kindlestore


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Bid On Listing Created 6 years ago in Programming

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