
Iframe Script For Exact Shortener Links

Iframe Script For Exact Shortener Links

Need a working iframe script to iframe theese shortener links . Also, if a redirect occurs on one of the shortener links , redirect must be done inside iframe.... not break out of parent page.

I tried with normal iframe codes...... but the links dont show on the Parent Page ... Dont bid to waste my time .



Need a working iframe script to iframe theese shortener links . Also, if a redirect occurs on one of the shortener links , redirect must be done
inside iframe.... not break out of parent page.

Theese are the links I want to iframe onto my page

I tried with normal iframe codes...... but the links dont show on the Parent Page ... Dont bid to waste my time .


Skills Required

Javascript Java Php Css Coding Ajax Html Html5


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If you in need of a link shorting program I recently built one that will shorten your long link and produce 10 short links and it puts them into a text file ready to be used. It is based on the site so you can either use my program to make money from your short links or just use the non money option to shorten links with. If you need that or other programs let me know.

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Bid On Listing Created 7 years ago in Programming

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