
Need help with college Assignment

Need help with college Assignment

I need help with system analysis college assignment
In this assignment we have to prepare a system analysis design for a project of our own choice. I have chosen an Online ticket booking system for travel company.
This project submission is divided into 3 parts. Part A,B,C

I have completed Part A and part B
Due to Time constraints I cannot complete Part C

I need help with part C which will be due Sunday (4/6/2017) EST 12.00 PM along with 10-12 PowerPoint slides that we will use to present the entire project (PPT Template will be provided just need to add the info to the slides in form of bullet points and diagrams from the assignment/project)

Part A was more about Intro to the project, project requirements etc

Part B was more about use case diagrams , domain class diagrams and

I have completed and submitted part A and B and recently got my marks with feedback from my professor to change few things in Part B (I will add the feed back as well so you can read it )

Please help me with part C and the PowerPoint slide for project presentation

I will offer you max $50 to do the part C and PPT presentation slides - ****Please do not Bid more than $50 as I will not consider you - so don't waste your time

The work done so far will be provided(Part A and B)


Users’ Stories
Select 3 use cases in the prioritized list provide a fully developed users’ story - Total of 3 users’ Stories.
Draw a Use Diagram(s) to illustrate , and Generalization
System Sequence Diagrams For the first two use cases on list on which Users’ Stories were written.
State Machine Diagrams
Develop 2 state machine diagrams of any two objects identified from the classes
Gantt chart
Illustrate tasks from Parts A-C and the time estimation for all use cases and other activities that you have worked on - produce a Gantt chart for All tasks completed

Skills Required

System Softwaredesign Systemanalysis


i am ready to make your assignment. i will provide you the best facility with a great response.
order now.

i resolve lot of this kind of asisgment don't hesitate to order me !

i will provide you with slides.


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Bid On Listing Created 8 years ago in Programming

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