
multi vendor market place script

multi vendor market place script

looking for someone who can give me multi vendor marketplace website script similar to
Multi-Seller Features
The store owner can charge fixed fees or commission rate per sale
The seller can make there own catalog and manage it completely
The seller can use multiple shipping methods and rates based on weights
The sellers can also request for withdraw payments after some time of sales
Complete reporting of performance both for sellers and store owner
Customer can send inbox message to Seller
Seller can have Rating and Badge as top rated seller
products can be tangible or intangible


any suggestions are welcomed and will be discussed

Skills Required

Php Ajax


hi, i can provide you multi vendor market place script. order now

have a wonderful day.

i will create the multi vendor market place script and you will give me the script from here by buy: i will do all of the rest matters to full fill your condition.


i can give you same type of multi-seller features as you described above in wordpress platform, with similar theme too. easy maintenance in future too. for discussion you can contact me.

warm regards

Bid On Listing Created 9 years ago in Programming

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