
Need to add simple table like give site

Need to add simple table like give site

Hi friend, here i need to put somewhat same table on our site home page >>>>as you can see here on this site home page >>> but no pepl drop down box, instead just put order now button that after clicking redirect to my service section.

In short, i want just html and css code for this formt and i'll put it myself...

Like don't need to put pepal drop down box instead only put Order button that after clicking redirected to Facebook fans section and same is for others...

Bid if you can ...
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Be as descriptive as possible. Provide samples and explain what you expect from anyone who accepts this project. The more details you add, the easier it will be for freelancers to live up to your expectations. Bidders will use this description to view and bid on your want.

Skills Required

Programming Wordpress Css Html


hi i am wordpress developer having more than 2 years working experience, i have 100% positive rating on fiverr level two seller i am willing to do this task, please message me to start the work
thanks :-)

hi, i will be to create the product layout with html & css and still give you support afterwards incase you need it

Bid On Listing Created 10 years ago in Programming

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