i want a website for funeral tributes , where people will be able to submit info of their dead and share with friends and people will be able to write their tribute message. The homepage should look like a magazine with . this could be built with yii framework , or cake php or even wordpress or drupal , that should be easy to use
i want a website for funeral tributes , where people will be able to submit info of their dead and share with friends and people will be able to write their tribute message. The homepage should look like a magazine with . this could be built with yii framework , or cake php or even wordpress or drupal , that should be easy to use
hello there,
im a good young years marketing and designing developement.
im plenty of time to dedicate %100 with this job.
im also spiritual high so i can fell you and what you want to imprint the feelings in that website.
take me as order and lets create something wonderfull
i will add xtras for sure.