
install me a social mosaic script on my site

install me a social mosaic script on my site

Hey guys,this a small job for five bucks,please put my mosaic script on my site .
what do you recomend...
i would like to see a mosaic wall on my main page website.
videos will be displayed with social icons,please let me know,if you can do it.
If you get the job,done well,i will be giving you more work.
script will be suplied by me.
Many Regards


please install my mosaic script on my site main page well fitted ,displaying three video on the top and social icons on the bottom of the videos,etc...
Must look good.

Skills Required

Php Jquery Css


we can install this script for you pm me

can install a social mosaic script on your site within a day according to your requirement

Bid On Listing Created 11 years ago in Programming

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