
Looking for a photographer in OMAN

Looking for a photographer in OMAN

I am looking for someone to go to the Strategic and Precious Metals ProcessingSPMP Roaster site located at Spmp, Al Batinah North Governorate, Oman. The objective is to take lots of pictures of site development.

I'm looking to see if the company SPMP has made any progress with the construction.

See link for more info of the company I am researching.


I am looking for someone to go to the Strategic and Precious Metals ProcessingSPMP Roaster site located at Spmp, Al Batinah North Governorate, Oman. The objective is to take lots of pictures of site development.

I'm looking to see if the company SPMP has made any progress with the construction.

See link for more info of the company I am researching.

Skills Required

Images Photo


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I have experience with this. I can do this for you for $5 I guarantee FULL satisfaction

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Bid On Listing Created 7 years ago in Other

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