
need someone with video editing experience

need someone with video editing experience

Hey everyone i'm looking for someone with video editing experience something like sound effects, slow motion replay etc. Just message me so we can conversate a little so we can both be on the same page. i see most of the gigs have sellers that aren't active, if youre reading this please respond to ad, thanks


Hey everyone i'm looking for someone with video editing experience something like sound effects, slow motion replay etc. Just message me so we can conversate a little so we can both be on the same page. i see most of the gigs have sellers that aren't active, if youre reading this please respond to ad, thanks

Skills Required

Video Editer


need more discuss about this long this video? me

i have lot of experience about edius , pismire and etc

i need sample or details . i think i can do it


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Bid On Listing Created 10 years ago in Other

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