
Small 2 Tier Link Pyramid Manual Multi Link Package

Small 2 Tier Link Pyramid Manual Multi Link Package

I need a link package that consists of the following:
Tier 1:
2 High DA Edu Links
2 High DA Profile links
2 High DA Web 2.0 submission (any of the following - gather, quizilla, vox, wikispaces, webs, hubpages, zimbio, friendster) or (DA 60+)
2 Guest post/PBN posts
2 Edu wiki blog posts

Tier 2:
5 bookmarks to each of the above links

Social media shares if you are able (optional) will pay $5 extra

I will provide 2-3 keywords and one URL
I will index them myself.


1. No login should be required to view links.
2. Links should be mostly Dofollow
3. US Links Only
4. PA 41 or higher preferred (DA 60+ acceptable)

Full report.
Good English.

Skills Required

Seo Seoexpert


2 high da edu links
2 high da profile links
2 high da web 2.0 submission (any of the following - gather, quizilla, vox, wikispaces, webs, hubpages, zimbio, friendster) or (da 60+)
2 guest post/pbn posts
2 edu wiki blog posts

tier 2:
5 bookmarks to each of the above links

i will create the 2 tier link pyramid as mentioned plus the social signals to main url as required.

i will share the excel report with all created links.

best regards'

give you authority tier 2 backlinks that boost ranking

give you authority tier 2 backlinks that boost ranking

i can provide a small 2 tire link building for your website. let me know your website url and website keywords.i can start work on this project

link pyramid manual multi link package with some social share each link

small 2 tier link 4.4k pyramid manual multi link package


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Bid On Listing Created 6 years ago in Link Pyramids

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