
Google rich snippet (stars on google listing)

Google rich snippet (stars on google listing)


We have our website listed on page one in google for a number of keywords. Our domain has a high authority and also has been registered for about 6 or 7 years.

For some reason we are not able to get the stars showing up with our SERPS.

We use wordpress and have tried a number of plugins.

Im looking for someone that can do some tricks to get my stars showing in google on my results asap.

If you believe you can do this please contact me



We have our website listed on page one in google for a number of keywords. Our domain has a high authority and also has been registered for about 6 or 7 years.

For some reason we are not able to get the stars showing up with our SERPS.

We use wordpress and have tried a number of plugins.

Im looking for someone that can do some tricks to get my stars showing in google on my results asap.

If you believe you can do this please contact me

Skills Required

seo GoogleRanking


i can get it done for you... but i need some information about site.. contact me before buying

hello,its easy,i can completed this job
i will do it in less than one day,believe me
just contact me in inbox i can start now to work


i can easily solve your problem.

i also send you a message where you can see how your star rating appear in google search result.


  • Media
    Tj00 Level 1
  • order now!


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    Bid On Listing Created 12 years ago in Link Development

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