
I need some High PR 8, PR7, PR6, PR5, and PR Back links4

I need some High PR 8, PR7, PR6, PR5, and PR Back links4

I'm looking for some one to create quality high grade back links that will stick.

I don't want spammy back links that are added to any blog that will get removed a short time after. I'm looking for quantity back links to be added to content related websites.

Depending on the quality and quantity of links would depend on the price i would be willing to pay

Im from a web hosting company and therefore will require the back links to be added to high pr web hosting sites. I will be looking for that page pr and not the website PR. So we will want the pr of the webpage to be high where our link is added.

I would need it to authentic and Google penguin and panda compatible, i don't wantto find our domain black listed because of spammy posts. Any links that were removed would need to be either re added or replaced somewhere else

If you think you can do this please contact me


1 White Hat, Grey hat
2 No Black Hat
3 No Spammy post
4 content related sites
5 PR must be on page not on site
6 high pr sites only

Skills Required

backlinking whitehat seo


i will create 26 high pr 5pr7 5pr6 5pr5 6pr4 5pr3 dofollow manually posted for $10 !
just check my services to see all my high pr dofollow services !

i will create 26 high pr 5pr7 5pr6 5pr5 6pr4 5pr3 dofollow manually posted for $10 !
just check my services to see all my high pr dofollow services !

i give you permanent blogroll at 7xpr1 5xpr2 3xpr3

i am sending you links of forums as you can see the forums commented on are one year old and links are still stable. gavinleo gavinleo gavinleo


i will give you 70 back links above the 4 pr with fresh and unique content. i will use the following techniques for back links.

bookmark submission
article submission
directory submission
blog posting
classified ad sub


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Bid On Listing Created 12 years ago in Link Development

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