
I need raking for my website

I need raking for my website

I need ranking on some keyword for medical site i want all the keyword on first page
NO software created backlinks
Penguin safe
Google panda safe
all work should be authentic
if any one can do this can check our keyword on which we need ranking in google our website is very new


My website is fast weight loss or hair loss treatment
i need Google traffic and ranking so please bid only genuine person who can do this
no spam backlink
no software created
panda safe
no black hat technique

Skills Required



i am interested and would humbly apply for this project.

may i have this one sir?

kind regards,

will do 2400 backlinkson my computer and submit your site to 1009 sites includinggoolgle, yahoo, bing, and aol and many more. keyword analysis report sent to you, submission report, and proof of backlinks.

Bid On Listing Created 12 years ago in Link Building

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