
4 Tier Backlinks Needs Link pyramid

4 Tier Backlinks Needs Link pyramid

I will provide you 30 web 2.0 site url For this Job. You needs to create 4 Tier Link Pyramid Backlinks For My Provided Web 2.0's

1st Tier Submission:
Newly Create 15 Manual Web 2.0 Properties. With Linking my 30 web 2.0's with my provided anchor text.

Each web 2.0 contains 2 different 500 words unique spun articles, 2 images, 2 videos.
Create About Page, Privacy Policy Page, Contact us Page.
From Each article 1 Contextual Backlinks to my Web 2.0 Url and another link goes to authority site like - Wikipedia, wiki-how etc.

2nd Tier Submission:
60+ Article Directories Submission [ 4 link each newly created web 2.0 ]
120+ Social Bookmarking [ 8 link each newly created web 2.0 ]
60 EDU & GOV links [ 4 link each newly created web 2.0 ]
150+ Profile Submission [ 10 link each newly created web 2.0 ]
G+, Twitter, Pinterest - Social Siganls
Premium Indexing

3rd Tier Submission:
375 Bookmarking Submission [ 25 link each newly created web 2.0 ]
975 Wiki Submission [ 65 link each newly created web 2.0 ]
375 Forum Submission [ 25 link each newly created web 2.0 ]
225 Web 2.0 Submission [ 15 link each newly created web 2.0 ]
Premium Indexing

4th Tier Submission:
3000+ Blog Comments [ 200 link each newly created web 2.0 ]
Premium Indexing

Time Duration 2 week Max.
Read carefully my instruction Before Bid.



Must Be Experienced, Profile must have many positive ratings and recommendation.

Skills Required

Seoexpert Linkbuilding Web2 Whitehat


i am interested in your job.. if you like me to order now

Bid On Listing Created 7 years ago in Link Building

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