Examiner.com needs no introduction. It has PR8 and its domain authority is 92. It is considered one of the Highest ranking websites in terms of Alexa, Page Rank, Domain Authority and Page Authority.
I have 3 articles need to be published on examiner.com
You must have authorship in examiner.com
I will pay $5 for each post.
ongoing project.
apply first to get the project
Authorship in examiner.com
i have authorship in examiner.com and can help you.
i can post your content on cnn ireport for just $30 per content. here is my gig related to this: https://www.seoclerks.com/blogs/219057/i-will-publish-your-article-press-release-on-cnn. the content has to be provided by you or else you can hire me to write it too for an extra $15.