
High DA Guest Posts Needed

High DA Guest Posts Needed

I require guest posts on high DA blogs in the categories of Real Estate, Business, Lifestyle, and Fashion. Not looking for low quality PBN's. Only real sites hosted by real people. You can own the sites or they can be from outreach. Domain Authority must be at least 35 and be verified.


All blogs must be niche specific, have a DA of at least 35, and be indexed in Google. I can provide the content but I am willing to pay extra for the content to written for me. Please send me URL's so the the DA can be verified.

Skills Required



hi webclimb,

i can provide you guest post slots on niche specific sites in business, real estate, life style and fashion with 1 dofollow link on each post. content will be provided by you. if you want content written, add another $10/article to the cost. do contact me to get a list of sites with google pr and moz da stats. thanks.

Bid On Listing Created 10 years ago in Link Building

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