
Want to buy guest posts on movie-films related sites and blogs

Want to buy guest posts on movie-films related sites and blogs

hi - I'm looking for guest posts on movie-films, games, manga and entertainment sites. Review sites & TOP10s - TOP20s sites etc will do as well. I will consider other sites as well depending on your offer and upon agreement. (Your site or blog can be a personal blog as well but we prefer niches close to the ones mentioned above). Send us your site list and we'll get back to you.


* Only quality sites PR1 - PR2 - PR3..
* We will provide the review article (with 3 inner-links, links have to be dofollow)
* Only site indexed in the major search engines
* No spammed sites
* Decent PA-DA (page and domain authority)
* Sites with tons of ads will not be accepted
* Aged sites (at least 6 months)
* Low OBL < 30
* Decent traffic

Skills Required

Seo Wordpress Programming


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Bid On Listing Created 11 years ago in Link Building

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