
Forum Marketing In Other Languages Besides English

Forum Marketing In Other Languages Besides English

I'm looking for people who are fluent in another language that IS NOT English and can help me do some marketing on forums in their own language.

This will be for an online marketing website so you'll need to have some knowledge in SEO.

I'm looking to target marketing forums with an alexa rating of under 100,000.

What you'll need to do is take my article/sales thread and post it on an online marketing forum that is in a different language than English.

If you're interested, PM me a list of the forums you're going to help me advertise on and I'll be in contact shortly




Forums advertised on must not be in English
Forums must have an rating of under 100,000

Skills Required

Forumposting Seo Onlinemarketin


i will provde 200 indexing forum profile backlinks

i will get manually create 40 high pr forum posting.
order now...

if you can hair me , i will do this manually. i give you 100% guarantee increase traffic in your , you can hair me now.

thank you.


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I will Provide You High DA, PA and very traffik 20 Forum Posting??

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Bid On Listing Created 9 years ago in Forums

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