
250 websites list - manual search

250 websites list - manual search

Hi friends!

I need a XLS list with info on companies/personalities in special area - I wrote it down in briefing file.

Most of entries you will find under provided links, but some part you have to google by yourself.

Here comes briefing:


Carefully read instruction.

Must be completed in max.5 days.

Skills Required

Google Search Research Excel


hi!i am experts in web research .having more than 1 year working experience about that field ...i can definitely provide you a good services ..complete your order with your time frame !
so order now!

i will create an excel file for 250 companies/personalities by searching on search engines will complete it in 5 days.

250 website list collect.

have a wonderful day.

i will search and find out app company website with other details likecompany name, compnay url, company physical address, company phone and company eo mail by the keywords of “monetize your mobile app”, “in-app advertising”,“cpa network for mobile traffic” and i will pr

get 250 websites list - manual search.
must be completed in max5 days.
100% guaranteed work.

100% guarated wrk
order me now.

must be completed in max.5 days.
100% granted work.

sir order me.


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Hello mate; I will give you 250 websites list manual search on your format.

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Bid On Listing Created 9 years ago in Data Entry

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