
Text editing needed - delete and comma seperate email addresses

Text editing needed - delete and comma seperate email addresses

I have some data that includes about 1,100 emails from my customer database. I need all information surrounding the email addresses deleted and then the e-mail addresses should be comma separated so that I can send an email blast to my customers. Any duplicate email addresses should be deleted.

Aliquam facilis accusamus sed at, aliquam abhorreant ad pri, duo ei dicunt pertinacia. Est facilisi molestiae an. Ea sed adhuc delicata maiestatis, at quodsi aliquam vim. Sonet nominavi vix ex, dolor graecis eam ei.


Project should be completed within 2 days. Accuracy is a must. I will pay a maximum of $5 for this service.

Sit munere alienum partiendo ne, pro causae dolorum honestatis ea, tantas feugait luptatum sed ad. Detracto mnesarchum inciderint mea ea. Brute accusamus nec ad, mea et quodsi omnesque corrumpit, est legere iracundia ea. Labitur euripidis efficiantur nec id, labitur contentiones ut eos. Ea pri decore iudicabit, ut duo mnesarchum mediocritatem. Scripta aperiam recteque cu eam.

Skills Required

Data Entry


i am ready for your work ..order now
fast delivery


i am using excel since long, please send me file so that i can revised that as you need.

i am new on this website but working since 5+ years on and having good feedback. i can give my profile link to check my feedback comments or you may check by same username.


i am very exited about your project. i will do this quickly so order me now.20 hours online active.

i can have this done as per your specifications quickly. i am a expert in these matters

hi, i can complete your work with php in less than an hour, no human-error and return in csv or sql or txt format

Bid On Listing Created 10 years ago in Data Entry

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