
I need a specialist fix error This page is trying to load a script from unauthenticated sources

I need a specialist fix error This page is trying to load a script from unauthenticated sources

Hello everybody. I have two websites running on Clound Flare. When it run without SSL it load article statistics very good . But when it run with SSL it get error as above. I need to fix that error for two site . I also needed who create a map for the sites and submit the Google search engine . Thank you.


I'll give you everything you need. Clound Account, Account Host, web master tool Google account. Work completed in 5 hours.

Skills Required

Googlewebmaste Php Followrequirem


have a wonderful day.

i will fix sll error of your 2 website and will create 2 google map and will submit those to google map.


i can fix errors .please give details

Bid On Listing Created 10 years ago in Data Entry

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