
Want someone to update website everday

Want someone to update website everday

I have a website which has movies and television shows on it - Basically Indian/Pakistani
I want someone to update it on daily basis by uploading new videos daily of movies and tv shows
All videos need to be uploaded via embedded code no direct upload as it causes copyright issue
There are many websites where you can find the embed codes for movies and tv shows
I will pay you end of every month $20
Please note we are talking about uploading about 100 videos via embedd code
If you think you can do it please bid max $20
all bids above 20 will not be considered
I will make you moderator of the website so you can have access to add embedd code via backend.
You will need to create categories if they are missing/ relevant to you post.


  1. Website needs to be updated daily
  2. Videos can be uploaded vis embeded codes.
  3. Should know how to extract embedd codes from video/ if not will give you link of the websites which have free tools to do this
  4. Upto 100 videos embedded daily
  5. Payment end of every month
  6. Month starts from the day I assign you the job
  7. You will need to create categories if they are missing/ relevant to you post.
  8. Bids more than $20 will not be considered

Skills Required

Uploading Updating Websiteposting Videosharingsc



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Bid On Listing Created 10 years ago in Forum Posts

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