
Posts for a movie forum

Posts for a movie forum

I am willing to spend up to $15, but prefer to pay less. I am after some posts but mostly topics in a movie forum I have worked on before I launch it. I ask that you make two accounts for howmany ever posts you are doing. So if you want to do half on one account and half on the other then that is fine so long as you DO NOT post posts to the topics you created on the other account. Common sense required when posting and a good knowledge of the English language. As well as good knowledge on movies. Please let me know how lengthy your posts would be - as well as anymore information you think would make me consider hiring you. Good luck.


Please read the description. Any issues with the posts and you won't get paid.

Skills Required

English Movies


im flaget here cant send msg
please see me on sky is pirate-30000

i will give you 65 post on your movie forum and split them out of two accounts with quality post. i have been on movie forum projects and run a couple of movie sites my self so i was familiar with the niche. i hope we can work together thanks

Bid On Listing Created 11 years ago in Forum Posts

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