
Populate My Blogs With Relevant Content

Populate My Blogs With Relevant Content

Hi, I have a couple blogs that I want RELEVANT posts to populate and start to bring in in visitors. I am handling the SEO and Marketing along with the monetization of the sites. They are monetized using Google Adsense and a couple affiliate marketing programmes like Peerfly, Maxbounty and a couple others will be added as time progresses. Affiliate banners are rotated and set depending on location from which the visitor comes. All links on the blogs will be do follow and the price listed above will be monthly payment.

What I want is somebody to provide me on a weekly basis at least 10 relevant posts, whether original or from another source, it doesn't matter as long as the other source is properly cited with link to original document. They will be vetted and only accepted if useful and applicable to the niche in which the blog falls. Therefore, I am looking for at least 20 relevant articles on a monthly basis and you will be paid $10 upon submission of the at least 20 articles at the end of each month.

You will be paid from the site revenue and bonuses of percentages of the monthly overall site income will be paid to you once the site's overall revenue passes the $50/month threshold.

The niches in which they fall are:

  1. Sports
  2. Hacking and Computer Programming
  3. Software, Web, App Development and News
  4. SEO, Marketing and Online Income

Monthly payments will be reviewed and adjusted (never below $10/month) as the site income improves. There is potential for significant earnings from this job, I am ideally looking for 4 people but if you can handle all four then no problem, you will get paid for all four. It is important that you are able to understand the requirements of this job, so I am therefore asking you to explain it back to me in your own words to see if you understand.

Looking forward to hearing from you and make the sites grow.


English Language is an absolute requirement, web marketing and SEO are assets the user must demonstrate.

Skills Required

English Marketing Monetization


hey there!
i am willing to provide monthly and relevant content to your blog. all high quality and seo written to help improve your blog's seo.

we can provide website content on a wide range of topics at very competitive rates
1. we specialize in b2b, industrial, legal and tech writing, though we accept orders on most topics
2. we can submit more than 8000 words content per day, more if needed, depending on the rates
we provide content which passes copyscape, with delivery time less tha

i have recently started the gig service here , but i have a huge experience of these type of work, i will do it,,, i promise the website will bring more traffic

Bid On Listing Created 11 years ago in Blogs

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