
Running my Facebook Ads daily

Running my Facebook Ads daily

i will give you $2/day and you must make a payment on my facebook ads

i have fb ads campaign with 1$ daily maximum payment

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- connect your account to my fb ads
- i will pay you 2$/day
- and running my $1 fb ads daily
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i will give you $2/day and you must make a payment on my facebook ads

i have fb ads campaign with 1$ daily maximum payment


- connect your account to my fb ads
- i will pay you 2$/day
- and running my $1 fb ads daily

Skills Required

Facebook Advertising Creditcard


i do have 100 real and active fb accounts i can use them for you .. and use each account for $1 each as ads campaign for you..

Bid On Listing Created 10 years ago in Banner Ads

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