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please,order me sir
please,order me sir.i will give you fast delivery
please,order me sir instant delivery
hi, i saw your requirment and i am highly interested to do this work. i will keep your apps in my smart phone for 30 days. hurry up lets order me then i will install your apps. thank you anyway
i want to get your offer.
order me.
keep it for 30 days
open the for 5 minute once or twice in a day for 30 days
that all you get pay $5 every month your keep the app
you can order me, i'm new at seoclerk, but i'm doing freelance at upwork about 2 years!
hi there
im ready to do this.. order when ready
if you need android installs then please let me know.
you can order me.
please sir order me.
i can do this. if you need then order me.
willing to keep your app for even longer than 30 days and also get friends to install and use your app
order now
order me
order me ,i will
1 install the app
2 rank the app 5 to 4 star and write a review
3 keep it for 30 days
4 open the for 5 minute once or twice in a day for 30 days
that all you get pay $5 every month your keep the app.....
please order me.
i will do as you mention above
hello sir, i will do your job. please order me.
good day!
order me and we'll surely be friends... ????
please sir,,
order me.
i am very interested working with you,, if you order me,, i will download your apps , install it and proper useing as your instruction..
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