
I need 200 buy/sell on itunes for an album

I need 200 buy/sell on itunes for an album

This is a new album that has been massively reviewed. generate a quality 200 sales on itunes for 10 dollars, the price will rise based ont quality and fast delivery of a bidder, multiple bids is acceptable.
NOTE that this contract extend to 500,000 sales of the album and a bidder will be re-appointed based on his performance.


This is a new album that has been massively reviewed. generate a quality 200 sales on itunes for 10 dollars, the price will rise based ont quality and fast delivery of a bidder, multiple bids is acceptable.
NOTE that this contract extend to 500,000 sales of the album and a bidder will be re-appointed based on his performance.

Skills Required

Marketting Promoter Publisher


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Bid On Listing Created 10 years ago in Audio & Music

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