
Need Tier 1 Personal Blog Post Reviews Of 3000 Words About My Client's Website

Need Tier 1 Personal Blog Post Reviews Of 3000 Words About My Client's Website

I Need Tier 1 Personal Blog Post Reviews Of 3000 Words About My Website

Our client owns a content marketing blog and is outreaching to blog owners who run similar and related blogs to post a review about my client's blog.

Persons interested in doing this job must be 100% fluent in English and must be able to SEO optimize their blog post reviews.

Blog is required to have an active and engaging readership in English based in the U.S.A, Canada, UK, Australia, New Zealand, be published in English and must be owned by the person posting the review. Must have a Domain Authority score of 50+ and a Page Authority of 50 or higher.

No spammy, link posting comment pages whatsoever. Please note that all links will be evaluated for their soundness before the job is awarded.

Review will be based on the features, benefits and solutions that the site offers to clients who are digital marketers, content creators, bloggers, business owners writing about their products in store as well as product creators and vendors.

Review should be created using specific keyword phrases structured under 5 or 6 headings of 500 - 600 words under each heading along with approved image links and text link pointing back to the source page.

Please note that you must be able to have your blog post review page indexed and preferably ranked on the S.E.R.P's for a low competition keyword phrase within the niche.


1. Must be the owner of a tier based 1 english speaking DA 50+ PA 50+ blog
2. Blog required to have active and engaged subscriber base
3. Must be based in the countries outlined above.
4. Be able to have blog post indexed and ranked (if possible)
5. Be able to provide an image insert with required backlink
6. Be able to insert 2 do-follow backlinks in post
7. If the applicant wish to earn from the review post feel free to join our affiliate program
8. Post must be permanent (we will review this arrangement over time to see if this remains honest and true according to the agreed terms)

Please do not simple mindedly put "order me sir" and a price for your bid otherwise please demonstrate your capacity to undertake this task.

You may inbox me to exchange information and let me have the link to the site for which you intend to publish your review about our client's website.

Skills Required

Articlewriting Guestpost Backlinking Contentwriting Contentspinnin Articlesreview Writing Writer Affiliatemarke Seoexpert Onlinemarketin


i can write 3000 wirds review for your clients website. send me website url and keywords. inbox me details today. i have done many content for many websites, reviews and articles.
martina motwani
martina motwani digital world


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I have a writing team if you want I can do it only for 45$. Inbox me.
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Bid On Listing Created 6 years ago in Article Writing