
Need Help with Report Writing for College Assignment

Need Help with Report Writing for College Assignment

**** The Max Price is 50*** I will not entertain any bids more that $50 Dollars

****I will use to Copyspace and turnitin for Plagiarism check - I willl pay you only of the report ios original content not copy paste stuff

I need help with writing a research report on Computer Labs in my College
Language Level Required - Under Graduate Diploma
No of pages Required - 8 to 10 this does not include references, Tile, Table of contents pages
We were asked to do a survey with college students on Computer labs in our college and get feedback from, them. The Survey was conducted through a paper printed Questionnaire which contained 10 questions. ( of these 10 Questions were closed ended questions like Yes or No type Questions
I will provide you with the percentage of response for each question i received - for example here is a sample question from Questionnaire
Were Majority of the Computers Working ?
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree

I need to add Graphics in my report - Like Response percentage statistics for atleast 5 Questions minimum
I have attached an sample image of the Graphics. I will also provide copy of sample report for you to refer. This sample report is work of students from previous semisters

Please note You would have to make this Graphics your Self as i conducted the survey on paper. I need atleast 5 of such graphics

Please Find attached the CHECKLIST FOR FORMAL REPORT

Example of graphics


**** The Max Price is 50*** I will not entertain any bids more that $50 Dollars

****I will use to Copyspace and turnitin for Plagiarism check - I willl pay you only of the report ios original content not copy paste stuff
I need help with writing a research report on Computer Labs in my College
Language Level Required - Under Graduate Diploma
No of pages Required - 8 to 10 this does not include references, Tile, Table of contents pages
We were asked to do a survey with college students on Computer labs in our college and get feedback from, them. The Survey was conducted through a paper printed Questionnaire which contained 10 questions. ( of these 10 Questions were closed ended questions like Yes or No type Questions
I will provide you with the percentage of response for each question i received - for example here is a sample question from Questionnaire
Were Majority of the Computers Working ?
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree

I need to add Graphics in my report - Like Response percentage statistics for atleast 5 Questions minimum
I have attached an sample image of the Graphics. I will also provide copy of sample report for you to refer. This sample report is work of students from previous semisters

Please note You would have to make this Graphics your Self as i conducted the survey on paper. I need atleast 5 of such graphics

Please Find attached the CHECKLIST FOR FORMAL REPORT

Example of graphics

Skills Required

Reportwriting Essay Writing Writer Research Report


hello, i have gone through the instructions. i am confident that i will write for you a high quality report in respect to the instructions given. kindly accept my bid. thank you.


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Bid On Listing Created 8 years ago in Article Writing

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