
Learn the secrets of the millionaires with this guide!

Learn the secrets of the millionaires with this guide!

Learn the secrets of the millionaires with this guide!

Discover 33 invaluable money lessons that I learned from a self-made multi-millionaire! Follow this proven advice to pave your way towards millionaire status!


Don’t you love it? When a book changes your life…?
Reading books is definitely one of the best investments you can make with your time and
energy. Reading provides a shortcut to the author's life experiences and can give the reader
lessons that took a lifetime to be learned
On your journey to wealth, a lot of books will be helpful, but only a handful of them will be able
to massively alter your trajectory in life. These are usually classics that have been created by
authors that have "walked the walk" and spent years studying the topic they are writing about.
For me, the book that has had the biggest impact on my way of thinking and perhaps on my life
overall, is MJ DeMarco's "The Millionaire Fastlane".
MJ Demarco was the founder of an interne t based company offering limousine services. After
running profitably the company for several years, he sold the biggest part of his equity, cashing
out on his success and becoming a multimillionaire. After that, he had all the time in the world to
focus on writing a tremendous, paradigm shifting book.

Skills Required

Money Make Ebook


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