
8 Unique, not spun, optimized articles between 500-1000 words

8 Unique, not spun, optimized articles between 500-1000 words

Hey there,

I need 8 articles, in English, between 500 and 1000 words long.

If this goes well I will hire you to do many more articles for my other websites.


If you give me something that is "unique" in copyscape, but isn't unique from one another, I don't want your service.

Here are the keywords for my articles. 1 keyword per article

1000 piece jigsaw puzzles
buy jigsaw puzzles
buy puzzles
fun jigsaw puzzles
jigsaw puzzles
modern jigsaw puzzles
unique jigsaw puzzles
vintage jigsaw puzzles

Thank You,



You MUST know how to optimize and article for the search engines (Keyword Density).
Must be written in English.

Skills Required

Articletransla Articlesreview Studentarticle


have a wonderful day.

i will provide you keyword based 1000 piece jigsaw puzzles, buy jigsaw puzzles, buy puzzles, fun jigsaw puzzles, jigsaw puzzles, modern jigsaw puzzles
unique jigsaw puzzles, vintage jigsaw puzzles and i will provide you unique and 1000 keyword based article by collection and unique

i can even make it ten.
i will write the articles with keywords.
1000 piece jigsaw puzzles
buy jigsaw puzzles
buy puzzles
fun jigsaw puzzles
jigsaw puzzles
modern jigsaw puzzles
unique jigsaw puzzles
vintage jigsaw puzzles

and also help you submit it to google,which will drive people to read it.
order now
check other of my servi

after i have written your article, i will promote it to 1.5 million people starting with my 187k facebook group, and then submit it to 1,500 social bookmarking and article submission sites.
and also to forums and traffic sites..and to ezinearticles and article base directories

this will make more people to read it.
order me

after i have written your article, i will promote it to 1.5 million people starting with my 187k facebook group, and then submit it to 1,500 social bookmarking and article submission sites.
and also to forums and traffic sites..and to ezinearticles and article base directories

this will make more people to read it.
order me

we have 8+ years of experience in articles. we will write article on any topic you choose. these articles will be unique,original and high quality .the contents will be genuine and no copy and pasted material from the internet. it is guaranteed to pass copy-scape filters. we have perfect english and writing experience.

hi i will write an article optimized for your keywords.
can deliver on monday.


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Bid On Listing Created 9 years ago in Article Writing

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