
Add titles, meta, tags and urls to articles

Add titles, meta, tags and urls to articles

Hi this is NOT for writing. This is for adding titles, urls and photo only to pre-written articles about books, movies and shows. please see the first example article that I did that is finished. There are 40 total

That's it! There are many jobs I have for anyone who can deliver this and do a good job. Please see the example.


-title under 70 characters, meta under 135 characters
-Photo with url and caption (save and copy paste from Google)
-Tags, Categories
-3-4 body text url's
-Save and send back as Word doc files

Skills Required

Blurb Best English Correct


hello,i can do this job,please order me now

we reduce your website alexa rank 2-5 million permanently,
just only for 5$, 100% white hat techniques,
only need your website url.see my service review then order !
my service url:

have a wonderful day.

i will read all pre written articles and i will follow instructions for title of 70 characters and meta about 135 descriptions and to search and find out necessary pictures and to make some text urls and exact catgeory and sub catgeory titles and meta will be 100% unique and seo keyword based.


level 3 member, 100% rating. experienced in seo and article writing. waiting for your order to start.

hello dear sir order me now.

Bid On Listing Created 10 years ago in Article Writing

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