
Write 10 (100%) unique articles on social networks emoticons & apps

Write 10 (100%) unique articles on social networks emoticons & apps

We are looking for someone with a good knowledge on social media and VOIP apps such as, Whats.App, Sk.ype, 2go, M.xit, E.buddy and Nimbuzz.

You'll be required to write on topics such as listing their emoticons and its meaning, writing some tricks, tweaks and hacks for social network apps and sundry.

All post are expected to be 100% unique and void of any level of copy and paste.


Must be very knowledgeable with social media apps, social network websites and technical writing.

Skills Required

Techwriting Blogging Socialmedia Socialnetworks Apps Post


i can provide you good articles with 350 word each.

i will do this job for you

have a wonderful day.

i will write 10 100% unique articles which will be 200 words each and is about,, sk.ype, 2go, m.xit, e.buddy and nimbuzz and topics about topics such as listing their emoticons and its meaning, writing some tricks, tweaks and hacks for social network apps and sundry.

i will give all articles wi

we are indonesian professional team of marketing, seo, and content writer. as information, one of our specific skill is in creating business and financial articles/review, travel, engineering and others type of articles. we have many years experience in creating good business content articles in indonesia. several of my portfolios are:


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Bid On Listing Created 10 years ago in Article Writing

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