
Write 10 100% unique "how to" articles

Write 10 100% unique "how to" articles

Niche - Tech Gadgets, Software, Web Server (Including web hosting) and Reviews

We are looking for unique and high quality "how to" articles on android, iOS, smart phones, Mac, Smart Watches, PC and other tech gadgets.

Little more on unique software review (based on experiences), web hosting review and other reviews will be ordered from the bid winner for subsequent updates.

This articles must be unique, never appeared on any website (or forum) before, mustn't be used for other websites and users once submitted to us.

Feel free to bid for lower number of articles if you can't write for 10.


Must be knowledgeable on SEO content writing and tech blogging.

Skills Required

Blogging Articlewriting Seo Blogpost Post


i can do 10 100% unique "how to" articles
so please order me

quality contents
100% plagiarism free
over two years of experience in writing articles on seo
feel free to contact me.
order and send ur details

i will write 10 articles for you. i have 210+ positive content writing reviews.

i will write 10 high quality, unique articles for you. i've been blogging for years.

i will write 10 articles with 300 to 500 words each. you can either give me specific topic or i'm free to choose. if you have a writing format, send me a sample, for me to follow it. i'm available for long term work, order now

i can do this for you and the articles will be 100% unique .and i will use accurate and easy english.

i am a writer for 2 popular online blogs. i am professional and serious about my work and i am committed to getting the work delivered on time and in a professional manner. i put 100% effort into my work as i want my work to get noticed and i love writing. thank you for your time.


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Bid On Listing Created 10 years ago in Article Writing

Other jobs by jennyhady44

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