
Questions from user stbrians

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My books are fiction. They are eBooks. One is entitled The Lonely Stones by Meshack Bwoyele Keya and The Lonely Stones- Covered With A Blanket by Meshack Bwoyele Keya. I need an honest review that is not bought.

  • stbrians
    stbrians Level 1
  • 5 4 years ago

    My biggest achievement this year was to write some books. This quest was successful as I have two eBooks on Amazon written by Meshack Bwoyele Keya, who happens to be me. Now the challenge I have is getting reviews for my...

  • stbrians
    stbrians Level 1
  • 58 6 years ago

    Cooking is one of my best pastimes. I enjoy performing this exciting exercise. It is very fulfilling when you mix different ingredients to get a final delicious meal. Yet the meal can turn disastrous. The same happens wi...

  • stbrians
    stbrians Level 1
  • 48 6 years ago

    There are times you feel that you are unable to make a service to sell. That does not mean that you cannot list a service for sale. Buy a service One can patrol in the marketplace to see a cheaper service that one ca...

  • stbrians
    stbrians Level 1
  • 52 6 years ago

    The Need For Browsing In CyberCafes With the coming of computers due to online business has made people set up cyber cafes so that they may cater for the many freelancers who want to earn from writing. Entrepreneurs h...

  • stbrians
    stbrians Level 1
  • 206 6 years ago