
Answers from user robin

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Hey Clerks Nation, With the completion of the 400,000th order and now giving you the opportunity to earn 100% profit we want to give back even more. For the next 24 hours we are going to give you 10% back if you buy 3 ...

  • EricElliott
    EricElliott Level 1
  • 30 11 years ago

    Hey Clerks Nation, We are happy to announce that effective immediately you will receive 100% earnings (minus fees) when your own clients purchase from you! This means anyone that purchases your service and they have si...

  • EricElliott
    EricElliott Level 1
  • 90 11 years ago

    Hey Clerks Nation, There are some huge changes to user levels now. There are more levels added as well as changes in the requirements and benefits. These changes will give every user an opportunity to level up and rea...

  • EricElliott
    EricElliott Level 1
  • 98 11 years ago

    Hey Clerks Nation, We are in the process of changing and updating the user level requirements. Some users level may change but their are more updates coming in the next 24-48 hours. You can check out SOME of the chang...

  • EricElliott
    EricElliott Level 1
  • 35 11 years ago

    Hello Clerks Nation, Check out the updates we made to the ionicware website at This website will link all of our websites together. Please visit the site and tell us what you think.

  • EricElliott
    EricElliott Level 1
  • 28 11 years ago

    Each Friday SEOClerks will be doing a contest on the SEOClerks FaceBook fan page and will give away free money. We want to get everyone involved in this so please Like and Share our posts (this could increase your chanc...

  • EricElliott
    EricElliott Level 1
  • 56 11 years ago

    Orders are just like a private messages, so we've made them function the same as the inbox. When a user updates an order, it becomes "unread" to the other party. This will result in a bolded title in the manage orders/sh...

  • ionicware
    ionicware Level X5
  • 23 11 years ago

    Several of you have requested the ability to buy gift cards (or coupons) to give them to your affiliates, friends, etc. Exjordanary suggested it here recently. Additionally, he has been asking for/suggesting it for about...

  • ionicware
    ionicware Level X5
  • 25 11 years ago

    We've been toying with the idea of 100% from the affiliates you refer who order your own service/listing on SEOClerks, CodeClerks and ListingDock. This would allow sellers to spend money advertising their own profiles/se...

  • ionicware
    ionicware Level X5
  • 91 11 years ago

    Previously, when linked to the order URL a user that was not logged would be redirected to the homepage. This is bad for sales and especially bad for any website that links directly to their service order URLs. Now the u...

  • ionicware
    ionicware Level X5
  • 16 12 years ago

    I wonder how SEO clerks detect the person country by default? it would generate some error some times. I haven't found any option to change it, anywhere. i would like to know how to edit it. kindly guide me who...

  • theonealy
    theonealy Level 1
  • 21 12 years ago

    How do you find the best keywords for my business ?

  • egypiana
    egypiana Level 1
  • 12 12 years ago

    When i go into settings and enter my full name in the first box, then submit, the page refreshes and says "Your settings have been saved.", but the "Full Name" field goes back empty again. Try it again and same. Is this ...

  • Sean101
    Sean101 Level 1
  • 11 12 years ago

    I want increase my service for get more income, Pls help to do this..

    21 12 years ago

    I have some gigs in seoclerks. I want promote them and get more orders. how can i do this..?

    16 12 years ago

    Ok this is different everywhere is not the same so i'm located in Europe, Luxembourh, so if i withdraw today some money, how long do i have to wait till come to my payapl? thx

  • mcdrecords
    mcdrecords Level 1
  • 6 12 years ago

    i need to know whether same paypal can be used on two different account?

  • ankalive
    ankalive Level 1
  • 13 12 years ago

    I need a large ping list which I can use to ping the articles on my blog. Please don't just get one off Google as chances are is I've already used it.?

  • CitrusMedia
    CitrusMedia Level 1
  • 8 12 years ago

    can I remove bad feedback and give positive feedback. ? I had bad service, left bad feedback, then seller fixed the problems... so I'd like to change the bad to good b/c they no longer deserve it. ? how can this be fixed...

    12 12 years ago

    In your opinion what is more effective Discount coupon or sale tag? G!

  • GeeOne
    GeeOne Level 1
  • 9 12 years ago

    What does PR8 and PR9 mean or PR<x> with x being any number. Does it offer any benefit? Here is an example: "I will manually create 2xPR9 3xPR8 23xPR7 36xPR6 46xPR5 Backlinks guaranteedI will manually create 2xP...

  • mcdrecords
    mcdrecords Level 1
  • 10 12 years ago

    What's the best thing to do when someone buys your service and you know they are only doing that so they can give you a negative review, even if your job is well done? Do you just never attempt to complete the order?

  • emson
    emson Level 1
  • 9 12 years ago

    hey guys, i just forgot to deliver the project on time, the deadline was 22feb, i delivered it on 24th feb, so what now ? the project is marked as delivered and saying This order will be marked as complete in 5 days from...

  • sunty
    sunty Level 1
  • 10 12 years ago

    For user policy for level 3 user What is Payment 1 day after order completion?

  • Tascanita
    Tascanita Level 1
  • 10 12 years ago

    Hello, How do you reject a late delivery service? it says late delivery but no button come up for rejection.

    15 12 years ago

    What methods do you use to increase your sales here at SEO Clerk?

    15 12 years ago

    Hi i would like to know What Means In Profile "Statuses" ? Do that affect my positive rating? Thx

  • mcdrecords
    mcdrecords Level 1
  • 10 12 years ago

    I have bid on some WTB. And got an order from that gig by some other client. will it would be count as an order for 2nd level?

  • gpvforcheap
    gpvforcheap Level 1
  • 4 12 years ago

    what is? backlinks ? many sellers sells. where I can get backliks? ?

    9 12 years ago

    I made 5 services .How many service can I make here on seoclerk ?

    9 12 years ago

    My question is that if my order is late more than 2, 3 days from the expected delivery, and then buyer cancel the order, then my rating lay down or remains the same ? Anyone has faced this issue?

  • rockerzzz82
    rockerzzz82 Level 1
  • 10 12 years ago

    What would be the period for feature gig? and also the charges? G!

  • GeeOne
    GeeOne Level 1
  • 8 12 years ago

    5 withdrawals out of 4 allowed per 31 days what is it ? and how can i learn that

  • baris975
    baris975 Level 1
  • 11 12 years ago

    how i got daily free 2000 visitors? I want to know about this, how i got visitors for my website.

    13 12 years ago

    I have been seen a lot of gigs of link pyramid.I am new to SEO,so what exactly is link pyramid?

  • acer7
    acer7 Level 1
  • 5 12 years ago

    How many backlinks a Website needs to get a PR2? Just that. Thanks

  • Making
    Making Level 1
  • 17 12 years ago

    i just wanna know does anyone can tell me

  • gulab
    gulab Level 1
  • 12 12 years ago

    want to know pr1 web site details , what step need to follow to get pr1 rank

  • menontech
    menontech Level 1
  • 10 12 years ago

    If i have 5$ in my account and can i withdraw 5$ to payza account..

  • rko1998
    rko1998 Level 1
  • 19 12 years ago

    Can level one member offer discount for his/her services?

  • GeeOne
    GeeOne Level 1
  • 15 12 years ago