
Answers from user MikeElNite

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Really great, I appreciate it. Please remove direct payment method features. I have a lot of problems receiving direct payments from buyers.

  • ApurbaRoy
    ApurbaRoy Level 1
  • 10 3 years ago

    I submitted a job almost two weeks ago and the job still hasn't been approved yet. it's currently listed as "under review". I'm new to SEOclerks so can someone offer some advice?

  • DylanTTT
    DylanTTT Level 1
  • 5 5 years ago

    Many of you need Invoices in order to use your purchases at SEOClerks as a tax write-off. We've now enabled invoice generation directly from your shopping list: Click the green "Invoice...

  • ionicware
    ionicware Level X5
  • 8 12 years ago