I have encountered this problem several times. Many buyers buy a service, and then do not submit any instructions. So as a seller I get the email that someone has bought the service, but I cannot even see the order in my...
For a very long time I'm having issues with clients who don't read the Description nor the Instructions where it's written (with red color, underline, etc) what I need from them in order to complete their order. Most of ...
Each day many buyers come to Seoclerks marketplace to purchase service and many of them are new members. So, when they purcahse service, they don't know how to start the order with required information they need to provi...
Just thought this would be something that Sellers could give to their Buyers once an Order is Completed. This will help instruct Buyers how to Leave you Feedback Properly. Simply Send the the URL to this Post here in t...