How long does it take for you to compose and publish a typical length blog post?
How many blog posts maximum should you be making daily? Also, is there a minimum number of blog posts that works best for SEO and traffic related reasons to get visitors to your site?
Do you feel as if blogging has changed now to become more commercialized? Do you miss how it was before when blogging was all about personal interest and passions rather than marketing? What is your view about new vs ol...
Is there any space on your blog that is under utilized or what you would call "wasted space"? And, what do you plan to do with that area?
Is there any specific reason you chose a blog over static HTML site?
Are there any sites or blogs that will pay you to guest post on their platform? If so, what site and how much is the pay?
I prefer the two column blog as it gives me plenty of room for my article as well as some side bar content such as links and small button ads. Which style of blog theme or template do you prefer?
What if you are a blogger in health care related issues, could you just as easily switch to writing a blog on car repair? Just assuming you were good at research.
Is it possible to monetize and maintain multiple blogs with the same enthusiasm as just one blog? What are some obstacles you would face to having multiple blogs?
Wordpress Plug-in Of Seoclerks Is Not Working On My Side??? Any Other Facing This Problem????:confused:
On my private blog, I use the posts to work on my articles. Once I've written the article, it's still in draft mode or published but private (as in not accessible by Google Search or other visitors). This is just my...
What you think about blog flipping is term related to blog how it is work in the blogger and how to use it
Where can you find the best high quality free or low cost images for your blog posts? And, can you just take a photo off Google Images for blog posts?
There are many reasons to write a blog post including: search engine optimization (to get a page ranked highly in Google Search) conversion (to sell a product or service or provide information related to the site nic...
I have a personal family blog used for blogging about things we do as a family. Recently, we got a new camera and now have hundreds of home movies and photos, easily 10GB worth. I'd like to upload all these images and ...
my query about how can i add blog in this part..& i wanna solution of it.
Most blogs that I visit have shorter posts containing mostly opinion based info, while others have wiki-length in-depth articles on niche topics. So which style is more appropriate for a blog? Which do you use, the sho...
Is it worth the money to hire a professional blogger for your staff to add articles to your blog regularly and keep it updated? Or, do you prefer to pay per article submitted, rather than having someone on staff?
Sometimes, it's hard to come up with a basic idea of what to write about. So maybe you could start a suggestion box where you get readers to contribute ideas. And, if you use one of the ideas as basis of an article you...
In my last tutorial, How to Improve My Website User Experience, I've explained about UX, it's importance for a website and few tricks which you need to implement for a site to be successful. I hope you understood every b...
What if you were away from your blog for a few days on vacation and came back to find out that someone was cyber bullying your readers via comments? How would you deal with that person?
On one of my blog posts, I am getting unusually high view count while some of the other posts have gotten less than 30. I'm wondering what could be causing this, if it's real traffic or if maybe someone backlinked to tha...
Bloggeries is one of the largest human edited blog directories on the internet. The listings are not free and start at $49.95 a year per listing. Have you gotten listed in bloggeries and i...
Please share a link to the best free blog directories where you can get a high quality backlink for your blog.
On my Wordpress blog, I would like to remove the time/date stamp on posts and pages. Is this possible? Please provide code if available.
When commenting on blogs or forums do you blatantly say, 'check out my blog' or do you use more subtle techniques for referring to your blog and getting visitors?
In a sea of nearly duplicate blogs it can be difficult to distinguish one niche blog from the next. So how do you set your blog apart from others?
When writing a post, are you writing to inform the reader or for their benefit or to express yourself and say what you know?
On most blogging forums, they not only give advice on how to blog but give you the chance to share a link to your blog. This might be a good way to get direct traffic or build backlinks for SEO.
What if your blog was taken down by or by your host? Do you have backups or copies of posts? How would you start over?
I'd like to open at least five Adsense niche blogs to earn more money. Please offer suggestions on the best paying Adsense niches.
Some bloggers claim to be earning thousands of dollars every month from Adsense and affiliate sales. Do you think this is actually possible?
Or, do you solicit free blog posts from guest authors?
In first installment,, of this tutorial I shared the way to backup your posts, pages and feedback. It didn't include the proce...
In keeping your wordpress blog secure tutorial series I might have mentioned many times to take backup of your wordpress blog before trying something new. But I've never mentioned how do you take backup of you blog, did ...
This is the last episode of keeping your wordpress blog safe and secure. In this chapter, I'll talk about security plugins which you should have on your blog. These plugins will help keep hackers away for sometime, so kn...
In this chapter of keeping your wordpress blog safe and secure, I'll talk about keeping your sensitive wordpress folders hidden or not easily accessible to hackers. You can do it by locking you wordpress folder as well. ...
In this installment of this tutorial about keeping a wordpress blog secure I'll share tricks about wordpress accounts. Without further delay, let me start listing tricks you need to know to keep your wordpress blog from ...
Wordpress ! Do I need to tell you what is it ? If you said NO, then you can start reading this tutorial from next section/paragraph. As I've marked this tutorial as "beginner", let me give a brief introduction to wordpre...
Will there ever come a day when you decide to stop blogging? Or, maybe you were a blogger in the past but stopped? Why did you stop and would you ever consider starting another blog?