as this page i should be level 3 and but dont know the reason why i am still level 2 can anyone tell the reason i level up yesterday as level 2 seller but i have completed min...
I got an mail from a seller to cancel my order he is not able to help me. So I received a refund, but i cant use it if I wanna buy a service I will be redirected to paypal. I want to use my refund. Can anybody help me?
Sorry if being misplaced... 48+ haous ago, I withdraw through paypal and until now still in the process. Can any staff member do this quick for me. Please help, I need them urgently. already 2 years I make a little mo...
On the right side we can see the points are mentioned. Now my queries are What is the use of these points? How to increase it?
I am here around 1 1/2 years, done around 20 purchases and was in level 2 as a buyer. However recently I started to work as a seller too. Then I was marked as level 1 seller, With that I have completed around 26 s...
Please read this message I sent to the SEOClerks support today. I haven't got any reply from them yet. Please help me. I am a new seller and 100% positive seller rating is a must for me to survive. Hi Admins! My name i...
I am just interested if you making coupons for your services, do you share them in public and if yes, do they boosting your sales. Also, where is good place to submit or share coupons publicly from your experience?
Just wanted to know if Paid Bumps have the same effect as free bumps?
Hello Dear Admin/Staff I noticed that Payza withdrawal is working for the last days, but today it is disabled !!! I wonder why and when it will be available again? Thank you
OK i noticed that Twitter and Facebook don't allow posting Seoclerks affiliate links on their networks. Is there any good way around?
I am On Level 1 on Seo Clerk.I recently join here and got some order and i delivered the order.It showing after 5 days of deliver the order will be complete.but after complete the order when i can withdraw my balance in ...
I am On Level 1 on Seo Clerk.I recently join here and got some order and i delivered the order.It showing after 5 days of deliver the order will be complete.but after complete the order when i can withdraw my balance in ...
I can't withdraw money which i added from my paypal but i have $ from my sales which i can withdraw but money which came from paypal is not able to withdraw Any HELP? Thanks
How could I create $1 service/gig here though I'm level one now. If I'm unable to create $1 service then how could I increase my level a bit higher. I want tips regarding level upgradation. I need also quick payment, I c...
1 day back I got an order, for sending the traffic from I given a proper tracking link with Google analytics, but the buyer has canceled the order mistakenly, So the I contact him and explained the situation...
Hi friend// all friend are requestes that please give me good suggetion how i enter seoclerks forum page . i can'nt enter forum page form today . why did bannded enter in forum . if you understand this matter please h...
iam new here i add a service to sell old face book accounts but they are new but it has been deleted can i know why and how to support the admin ? can i find here a solution ? can any one help me i am new here so ...
I provide VEVO video promotion! It has suddenly been taken down! I advertise buy tell all my friends and re-posting (real views) yet it is still taken down DELETED Grrr Im an actual advertiser and i need help hope ...
I sold a service for $6 (now $5) and after delivery done in my profile it says only that I am gonna get $4.80.
Can anyone tell me how to delete my status message which i publish for my services? can anyone please help me ? and tell me about this? how to delete status??? how to delte status message? i wrote my question but its thi...
i want make new creat post but tell me: This message was detected as spam. You could be using a URL or a Word which has been flagged as spam previously. If you were recently sending mass messages, your account may have ...
help submit the order. where can i get my istangram account. example: Your payment for this order was successfully collected by us. The seller will be paid when the order is complete. and then?!? sorry for my ...
when i try to update it my info, it cancels every changes and returns the the previous info. I need help. I gave a wrong email and now i can't change it in order to verify it.
hi i have made a purchase from the seller over a week ago and yet i still havnt heard or seen anything yet...??? and there are no other ways to contacting you so pls get back to me asap would like to know whats the reaso...
Hello I am unable to check how many active subscription i have, can any one help? Thanks
I always check my Seller's dashboard to see if there are any messages from buyers. I like to respond to my messages as quickly as possible to ensure there are no issues. During this process, I'm also checking my inbox ...
How to know if i have Infractions and when they expire??
I really don't know where is problem in my service. This is the link: I post it , they delete it. And today is 4th time th...
I was wondering if some one is offering to share free bumps here with somebody with his consent. If admin can reply to this thread.
I wanted to get feedback on an idea to sell here. But there is no way to contact admin to get feedback on my product. The site's contact us links all go to 404 site not found pages. IT would be great to know what eb...
How i can purchase ( permanent feature )? i have 375$ and i want to purchase permanent feature.
I posted a wanted to buy about me wanting an approved crakrevenue account but now it suddenly dissapeared (or it might be removed) after two people already bid on it but in both cases I would like to know the reason why....
Hi guyes I am a regular & also active seller. Now I want to change my SEOClerk Account username.. how can I change it? Is it possible? If yes, please help me. It is very important for me. so please suggest me as soon...
The seller has not provided the required service and even though I have rejected the delivered service, I have not received a refund. Tell me how to cancel this order to get my money back.
I bought 2000+ active vine followers from FacebookSystem and the money was returned out of no where and she canceled the order with the message, "SORRY". So I have 5.00 on my Seoclerks account but I would like to move it...
Hello Everyone, I've got 2 orders yesterday and I was suppose to complete them till "January 31, 2015" but they just got few hours late and because of that my response time is showing "17-days from 1-day" , What's going ...
Hi, I am new to seoclerks as a seller. I sell accounts and therefore have to include email addresses as logins. Seopclerks system blanks out any mention of the word email, aol, outlook, ect. erases my reply Then get the ...
Hello , I recently made my first sale on seoclerk , but the buyer send me picture suggesting that I add him on skype to talk more about the order ! I am supicisous about that since i think it's against TOS . What slould ...
Have you earned money selling blog reviews on SEOClerks? What type of blog reviews sell best and what prices are you charging?
I try to put a service on sale at least once a month or more often. Though, I don't want to give the impression that I have discount or cut-rate services. My regular customers seem happy with my prices, so I just offer...