
Answers from user jessie271 Page 2

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In your opinion, which do you prefer? A person with skills? or a person with Knowledge/Wisdom? In this instance, I'm referring to skills as in something you train for. Whereas, wisdom is innate such as inspired or natu...

  • totoadrian
    totoadrian Level 1
  • 91 6 years ago

    Many people knew how to speak foreign language. Even many of us here can speak other languages aside from our mother tongue language. I am just wondering why should we learn foreign language? In your own opinion why...

  • mark8625
    mark8625 Level 1
  • 129 6 years ago

    Online radio is a digital audio radio that transmitted thru internet. I used to listen in online radio when I was away in my country. I could listen to our local radio channel even I was overseas. I liked listening here ...

  • mark8625
    mark8625 Level 1
  • 85 6 years ago

    One thing that many freelancers find difficult is that some weeks can be a feast when it comes to work - and then you have other times that are like a famine. How do you manage the inconsistencies with workflow, and h...

  • amelia88
    amelia88 Level 1
  • 37 6 years ago

    In my experiences in life, I'm a long life learner meaning I stop go to college because of financial issues and then I'd focus on working and working and working but seems something wrong. Being a hardworker but still...

    78 6 years ago

    Working online usually gives you the freedom to wander around the world and work throughout your journey. There are actually a lot of people that do this, but it's not like what you've read about in success stories, th...

  • TommyCarey
    TommyCarey Level X3
  • 47 6 years ago

    How often have you landed on a forum or blog and thought "The person in that picture doesn't look professional at all" and you decide right then and there you're not going to purchase anything? Well, even if you don't ...

  • TommyCarey
    TommyCarey Level X3
  • 66 6 years ago

    All people who want to start an online business or find work online often underestimate their skills. They are afraid of making that first move because they aren't sure there is anyone who can hire someone like them. Aft...

  • Jeane
    Jeane Level 1
  • 52 6 years ago

    Everyone loves a good story. True. I've noticed on a number of sites bloggers are advised to tell their audience stories. These stories allegedly will be the means you'll use to to grab and retain the reader's attenti...

  • Jeane
    Jeane Level 1
  • 108 7 years ago

    It doesn't matter if you were just laid off or a stay at home mom, you can make money online from blogging if you really wanted to, but it's not some overnight type of success that you may think it is. Bloggers around ...

  • TommyCarey
    TommyCarey Level X3
  • 111 7 years ago