I can not bid any job. When i bid showing a message -- Before you can bid. Please add your own payment methods and allow your buyers to pay you directly. Click Here and go to payments tab. please help me.
I have some service. I do not remove any service. Why remove my old gig. Can you reply the answer Please.
i deliverd the work but buyer not seen the job. how many days i will waiting for payment. I Don't Know. when buyer see the job i Don't know.
Congratulations! Someone has purchased service. We are waiting on the buyer to finalize the order and until then you will not be able to see it in your seller control panel, but we thought you might like to know tha...
hello, I have been here for more than a year, but my sales are not satisfactory. Can someone explain me to understand this community so that I can sell better?
What's going on with my service? There is an error message showing: We're sorry, but the page you were looking for doesn't exist.404 error what that in my service. help me.
Hi now Twitter is available on categorie but can't create this service ..... Can anyone help me for create social media service ......For that reason now i start to sell Seo service