
Discussions about deliver

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if a seller deliver the order but buyer did not come online for many days and did not accept the order. will it automatically accept or not?.if yes ,how much time it will take to accept?

  • saadwaseem
    saadwaseem Level 1
  • 1 4 years ago

    It is no longer news that a seller can earn free bumps if he delivers his buyer job on time before the deadline date expires but what of if the deadline hasnt expire and the seller apply for more time request feature and...

  • chetaseo
    chetaseo Level 2
  • 4 8 years ago

    when someone ordered less than $5 will not get free bump but will you get free bump when you deliver on time?

  • sanfora
    sanfora Level 1
  • 2 8 years ago

    Hi all i think some problem in new seoclerks theme..because when some one buy my GIG and after completed his work i am going to deliver order but when i Click submit button then my current page goes hang and i can't do a...

  • aki03vish
    aki03vish Level 1
  • 8 11 years ago

    Hello, I had somebody order my service and it is saying that the deliver has not started and I do not know how to mark it as delivered? What do I do? I have tried looking for this answer but I have had no luck. I do not ...

  • Drogba
    Drogba Level 1
  • 2 11 years ago

    I received this email: We are waiting on the buyer to finalize the order and until then you will not be able to see it in your seller control panel, but we thought you might like to know that you'll have a job soon. On...

  • rambosix
    rambosix Level 1
  • 6 11 years ago

    I was wondering if you trade with a person and they dont deliver on their end what can you do about it?

    3 11 years ago

    I am very fresh to seoclearks. so i want to know If I need additional days to complete my order than normal time period in my gig can i request that from the buyer? are my rating is decreased although i completed that o...

  • jayawa
    jayawa Level 1
  • 5 12 years ago