
Has the real-time Penguin 4 algorithm been released?

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Has the real-time Penguin 4 algorithm been released?

I have read a few articles about the real-time Google Penguin 4 algorithm. From what I read, originally, Google confirmed the real time algorithm in 2015 and it was expected to be released during early 2016 but it was then changed to the first quarter of 2016. However, I can find any recent information about it. I recently did some searches on topics on my website and see that Google indexes them on the same day. Do you know anything about the Google Penguin 4 Algorithm? Has the real-time Penguin 4 algorithm been released?

Apparently, this algorithm update will mean that pages will be indexed in real-time so if you generate a large amount of spammy backlinks, you will receive a penguin penalty instantly. However, this also means if you disavow the links then you may instantly get the penalty removed.

How will this algorithm affect the SERP of our websites? Does that mean we need to slow down the rate we create backlinks to avoid getting penalised?


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It seems that no one can confirm this 100% but I have seen a big fluctuation in all of my rankings and that's always due to some kind of update. If I wasn't tracking 20+ websites at one time then it would be a little more difficult for me to identify an update. If just one of my sites jumped up and down a bit I would assume I was getting some natural linking and then I'd do some research on it. But since ALL OF MY SITES are moving around more than normal, jumping around a few pages, it was a big red flag and I didn't have to do much research.

I've read around that people think it started to roll our around May 6th and they are still doing small updates each week instead of just dumping the entire update into their algorithm and messing everything up. It seems they're taking baby steps in order to do a small launch and fix whenever something comes up.

Launch it
Fix what's needed
Launch another section of the update
Fix the bugs and breaks
Repeat until done

Doing it this way is easier on everyone and less stressful since they won't completely break the search results and it will be easier to fix a single problem instead of 10 at once.

You can always check on for updates to the algorithm. They post them here:



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To be honest with the Google policy updates, I am wondering why so many are very conscious when there is an upcoming update. Likewise I am also amused with the name Google Penguin. I think I have seen a discussion about Google Dolphin if I’m not mistaken. Anyway, can someone explain to me in layman’s terms what the update on the algorithm is all about?

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