
How much will it cost to get my website on top of the first page of search engines?

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How much will it cost to get my website on top of the first page of search engines?

I want my website on the top of the front page for the keyword search phrase "wow private server", "private server", and "world of warcraft private server" on search engines.

Based on how competitive it is, how much would this cost?

I see services charging from $19 to $50 for specific niche keyword phrases like this.

What service should I look into as well?


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in my service i make it in the first page of google + giving it more than 25000 visitor from google to make it never get back from the first page + make it's alexa rank so down check it

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Gee, your offer is very attractive. To think that my site can get 25,000 visitors with your technique of SEO work, that’s a huge amount of traffic. I am not really looking for paid traffic but I am amazed at how some people can claim to get your site on top of the heap in the search list. I know that with technical know-how you can do things like magic in the internet.

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Those keywords are competitive and a $50 seo will most likely not rank you unless you are willing to pay for several months of seo work. SEO is changing all the time and what worked 6 months -1 yr ago will get you wacked today.

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It's depends on various parameters. If you would like to invest much you can hire someone who can do it for you. Else you can also try and I am sure slowly you'll get the result. First focus on on page optimization like H1, H2, H3 tages and linking posts in your asrticles and then on off page by building quality content.

Let me know if you need any further advice on this.

-Ashutosh Jha

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This depends on the price charged by your SEO expert (in case you are hiring an expert). Experienced SEO experts have high charges it might cost you over $400. If you hire someone with less experience, you might get the job done for $50 or $100.
If you are doing yourself, it does not cost you money. If your chosen keywords are very competitive, you will have to find another keywords that get high search hits but has less competition.

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My suggestion is to hire a freelancer for the job. Maybe $50 is a good enough bargain for an SEO chore to be done for 2 weeks. It will involve spreading your backlinks to almost anywhere that is possible. Also, the virtual assistant can help you with the uploading of the new content in using appropriate keywords that will give your website more chances with the search engines.

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