
what is the seller rating of seoclerk?

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what is the seller rating of seoclerk?

I don’t know about the seller rating because I am a ignord member in seoclerk. So it has been very necessary to know the seller ratting. Why it is necessary to know, I could’t know after trieng my level best. I am very proud of you please answer me very soon.


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Quality of Work is 100% Positive Rating!

Whenever you will get a Positive Rating you are Getting + , and whenever you are Getting Negative rating, you are Getting -

So if you got 10 Positive rating and 1 negative, your rating will be: 90% Positive Rating,

--Hope it Helps!

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hi semsarwar,
rating is given by buyer after purchasing tyour service. if they like your service then u will get positive rating or if they not like your service then u will get negative rating. rating is important for getting your level up & attracting buyers.

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For example you sold your one gig, now you have 100% seller ratings.
it will remain until you received negative review from some buyer.
no one is ignore my friend. just make good gigs

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