
I have infraction, can I upgrade my User Level?

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I have infraction, can I upgrade my User Level?

I have infraction, but now i have finish more than 20 FAQ but i can upgrade to level 2 seller.


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You cannot level up while you have an infraction. You will need to wait until it expires.

When you receive an infraction, you get an email to your primary email address on your account detailing the reason for the infraction.

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if you have infraction on your account you cannot upgrade your level

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You can read everything you'll need to know regarding user Levels and the clearance time here:

Regardless of your user level, if a buyer does not rate the order it will take 9 days to auto complete.

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After expiring the infraction.You can automatically level up.After expiring the infraction if u have completed atleast 10 order with perfect reviews.You can easily level up

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Unfortunately you will only be able to level up once your infraction expires.

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You have to wait for infraction expires. I infraction you can not leveled up. After picking up of your infraction your level will be up. For more details you just click this links

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It is more easy. You can easily upgrate your account.Just follow this steps.

Completed/Purchased/Affiliated 10 Orders on time
 Have no Infractions (follow the rules)
 Your email must be verified
 Login Often (once per 14 days)
 Account is at least 7 days old
 First Completed Sale/Purchase/Affiliate Sale is at least 30 days old
 Have a 90% rating or higher
 Completed 1 Payment Withdrawal that is 20 days old
 72 Hour or less response time Benefits

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